G A R A G E 2 4 G U E S T B O O K I ( Oct, 7th 1999 - Oct 9th 2000 ) : YOUR PRAISE, DEBATE, OFFERS & QUESTIONS | |
Oct 7, 1999 | Karen Fülle |
Email: | KFuelle@aol.com |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | Peugeot 404 sedan 1967, Peugeot 604, Volvo 740 GL |
Comment: | Hello "Entendompteur", it is nice to see a part of my cars on the screen. I wish you many, many visitors and nice mails from Peugeot-maniacs like us! Kisses, KAREN |
Oct 9, 1999 | Jacques van Son |
Email: | J.vanson@gironet.nl |
Homepage: | http://www.gironet.nl/home/jvanson/ |
Car(s): | 404 |
Comment: | Very nice work Rainer!! Regards Jacques |
Oct 10, 1999 | con engel |
Email: | cengelc@bigpond.com.au |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | 505STI + 306 XT |
Comment: | Rainer, Greetings from down under! Great restoration work and an excellent site: Keep up the great work. Best wishes from con engel....sydney australia |
Oct 10, 1999 | Mauricio Herrera |
Email: | peugeot@sol.racsa.co.cr |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | Peugeot 306 SL |
Comment: | Desde el otro lado del mundo saludamos a Rainer y a todos ustedes que mantienen vivo el espíritu del León. Auto Club Peugeot de Costa Rica. |
Oct 10, 1999 | Dirk Mueller |
Email: | cud.mueller@t-online.de |
Homepage: | http://home.t-online.de/home/cud.mueller/index.htm |
Car(s): | 404 GT sedan, 404 cabriolet inj, 806 ST-Turbo |
Comment: | Saubere Arbeit, Gratulation !!! |
Oct 11, 1999 | Steve Dunn |
Email: | stdunn@greyhound.com |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | 83 505STi 84 505STi |
Comment: | Thanks! - always great to see another's experiences in saving Peugeots. I'm considering adding a 84 604TD to my collection of a 83 505STi and an 84 505STi, so I read with great interest your 604 page and about the rust issue. |
Oct 13, 1999 | Herve Ghellai |
Email: | hghellai@kpmg.com |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | 504 TI 1970 |
Comment: | I am extremely enthusiastic!!! It is a great site, very original, full of (good) surprises. Easy to reach and non-discriminatory (504-404-505-604 and even MG), it really is one of the best homepage on the subject I have seen so far. With an extra mention (magna cum laude) for the "Sleeping beauties" which, although heartbreaking, is so true and well thought. Great job!!! I already recommended it to about 30 people around the world and will keep spreading the good news. Keep on!!! |
Oct 16, 1999 | Philipp Wagner |
Email: | PhiWagner@aol.com |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | DKW 1000S, 405GRDT Break |
Comment: | Hello erverybody! Very international your homepage! May I continue in german? Also denn: Grüße an Rainer, auf eurer Seite war ich tatsächlich noch nicht, macht nen guten Eindruck. Ist es Absicht, dass die Fotos von euch unscharf sind? Die Qualität des Rollerbildes aber bestechend? Nun gut, der Peugeot 504 gefällt mir am besten, schönes Bild. Das Metallicgrün ist natürlich gewöhnungsbedürftig. Genau soeiner steht in Lünen beim Peugeothändler als Automatique im guten Zustand ca. 70.000 km. Grüße von Philipp aus Lemgo |
Oct 19, 1999 | Xavi |
Email: | ei38141124@est.etseib.upc.es |
Homepage: | http://come.to/peugeot504 |
Car(s): | 504 GL Diesel |
Comment: | Very nice site, Rainer...Give us the chance to see a restored 604 :) Thanks for the link! |
Oct 25, 1999 | Goetz, AEP |
Email: | |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | |
Comment: | Klare leicht verständliche Navigation, die Seiten und Bilder laden sehr schnell hoch.Verlinkungen funktionieren alle.Sowohl am Mac wie auch am PC, 15 oder 19 Zöller, Netscape und Explorer alles ok. Saubere Arbeit für die erste Homepage, weiter so. Ihre Akademie für Elektronisches Publizieren |
Oct 25, 1999 | Marcin Zachowicz |
Email: | nn@rafineria.gda.pl |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | MGB 70' |
Comment: | Great Page!!! I wish you luck & patience during restoration. |
Oct 25, 1999 | Evangelos Makris |
Email: | xirias@hol.gr |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | 78 Mini Saloon, 66 Sprite Mk3, 61 Austin A40 |
Comment: | Congratulations on your excellent web pages, devoted to the MGB GT, the car of my dreams, as well! Keep up the great work! |
Oct 26, 1999 | Jan Steinhagen |
Email: | steinhagen@tu-harburg.de |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | 504 L Automatique '74 |
Comment: | Deine Homepage ist gut gelungen; mit den Bildern von den Ausbesserungen an dem 504 und dem 404 vielleicht sogsr die Beste Peugeot-Seite, mit den Bildern von Ralley-Fahrzeugen (und vor allem dem Antriebsstrand der Dangel-504 !) ist sie jedenfalls die informativste und von den Bildern her schoenste, die ich bisher gesehen habe. |
Oct 27, 1999 | Siegfried Ufrecht |
Email: | Sufrecht@t-online.de |
Homepage: | http://www.01019freenet.de/p505 |
Car(s): | Peugeot 505 GTD |
Comment: | Hi, über die Hompage des Peugeot-Freunde- & Fan-Club Deutschland bin ich zu Eurer Seite gelangt. Ich stelle erfreut fest, daß es doch noch mehr Fans dieser Autos gibt als vermutet. Erwähnenswert für mich ist, daß ich der 305. Besucher Eurer Seite war. Dies deshalb, weil ich mit dem Peugeot 305 GRD Break insgesamt rund 1,3 Millionen Kilometer zurückgelegt habe! Diese Zahl wird mir in guter Erinnerung bleiben, da ich mit diesem Auto während dieser Zeit lediglich eine einzige Panne hatte. Auch der 505, den ich nun einige Jahre fahre überzeugt. Allerdings hat er noch nicht so viele Kilometer....... MFG Siegfried Ufrecht |
Oct 31, 1999 | Bob Muenchausen |
Email: | BobMunch@aol.com |
Homepage: | http://hometown.aol.com/bobmunch/auto/index.htm |
Car(s): | 1956 MGA roadster and 1968 MGB-GT |
Comment: | Great site you have here, Looks like you are having as much fun as I did 14 years ago when I restored my 68 GT! ;-) Thanks for sending me the address to your site and for stopping by my website too! Bob M. |
Nov 1, 1999 | Andreas Pichler |
Email: | pichler@mgcars.de |
Homepage: | http://www.mgcars.de |
Car(s): | MG TD, MGA, MGBGTV8 |
Comment: | Congratulations to your impressive site - an impresive lection for everyone, who plans to restore a classic car. I am really curious how the project is going on - so keep us informed with all the future enhancements of your MGBGT. Octagonally yours, Andreas |
Nov 5, 1999 | sabine möhle |
Email: | moehle@fritsche.de |
Homepage: | |
Car(s): | |
Comment: | Hi Rainer and Stephan! Okay, I try to do in English...Sorry, Im a few days late! Hey guys, what about a little chat under motor-maniacs? Whats your opinion about the latest Formel1-championship? Do you agree with the new leader? Do you also think, it was to Hakkinens (my personal jesus!) deserve? If you like, you can rubbish my messenger with your tears...dont cry for Schumacher! Before I forget: the homepage you were searching for (Heico Hecht; the man with Barmstedts last weeks news...) is: "www.hechti.de"! Try it! Its quite funny. Your page is also a hip to my heart, I very much enjoyed it! Especially seeing me (you didnt ask for rights!) at the "wurst-table-of-your-summernights-grill-party"(!) was big surprise to me! My stomachs really lookin forward to next years slaughter!!! Your bigbonewurstfansabine! P.S.: Well, I very much hope, that the Flohmarkt (weiß nicht recht) in the Harkortstraße was extremly to your satisfaction?! Well, at least we counted out to us it was. |
Nov 6, 1999 | Kirsten Stöckigt |
Email: | michaelstoeckigt@t-online.de |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | Golf III - kein Oldtimer, aber auch schon ein bißchen altersschwach.. |
Comment: | Tja, willkommen also im Internet (Premiere!) und so viel denn auch zu Frauen und Technik - dämlicher kann man sich wohl kaum anstellen. Daher erspare ich Euch auch jeden laienhaften Kommentar zu Euren vorgeführten "Schraubkünsten". Allerdings : Der MGB GT wär' was für mich, obwohl die Rückansicht irgendwie ein bißchen enttäuscht. Und : Gab's mal 'ne Ausstellung ? Sieht teilweise aus wie 'ne Party.- Geniales Layout der homepage übrigens.-Wie lange tüftelt man an so was ? So sollten meine Klausuren in Zukunft gestaltet sein...Muß übrigens noch eine herstellen, verlasse deshalb jetzt diesen Sender. Man sieht sich sicherlich nach Eurer nächsten Schraub-Aktion im Feuerstein. Schönes Wochenende ! |
Nov 13, 1999 | Paul Hunt |
Email: | paul.hunt1@virgin.net |
Homepage: | http://freespace.virgin.net/paul.hunt1/ |
Car(s): | 73 Roadster, 75 Factory V8 GT |
Comment: | Wow! That was some body restoration, looks like you have done an excellent job. Hope the rest goes as well and you enjoy the fruits of your labours soon. Paul Hunt - returning your visit to me. |
Nov 17, 1999 | Bernd Otzelberger |
Email: | berndotzelberger@cso.free.at |
Homepage: | http://private.freepage.de/berndotzelberger |
Car(s): | Peugeot 504, BMW 02, VW Scirocco |
Comment: | Großartige Homepage! Gruß aus Wien Bernd |
Nov 28, 1999 | iwan |
Email: | iwan@cilandak.wireline.slb.com |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | 1975 504 GL |
Comment: | it is very nice to have other people around the world enjoying the same car! |
Nov 30, 1999 | Jerry Bauer |
Email: | jrbauer@dmi.net |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | 1977, 82, 83 504D's |
Comment: | I enjoyed your webpage and all the great pictures. You sure have a problem with rust there. You must use salt on your roads.. We don't use much salt here in Idaho so the cars last longer! |
Dec 3, 1999 | Nil |
Email: | nmitra@orga.com |
Homepage: | |
Car(s): | Opel 'Zombie-Kombi' Astra, Wackeldackel-Sondermodell |
Comment: | Ja gut ich mein OK, also ich sach mal: Jedem das seine, und das wichtigste bleibt doch, daß man miteinander redet,also: meine Meinung, und irgendwo sind wir doch alle Autos, gewissermaßen, so im übertragenen Sinne, wenn ich daß mal so sagen darf, und in diesem Sinne: Ansichtssache. |
Dec 3, 1999 | Sean Donohue |
Email: | donohues@lkgeorge.org |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | Peugeot 504 D wagon/505 Liberte wagon |
Comment: | Thanks for the GREAT Peugeot 504/505 and 604 site. I would be interested in exchanging Peugeot information with any fellow Peugeot enthusiast. I am always in search of road test reprints, sales brochures, corporate newsletters, corporate press releases, photos of Peugeots and assorted memorabilia. Unfortunately, these items are very difficult to locate here in the USA. Thanks, Sean J. Donohue |
Dec 4, 1999 | Immo |
Email: | |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | |
Comment: | hey ! wer hätte das gedacht meinen Pickup auf den Fotos von Christoff wiederzufinden ! |
Dec 18, 1999 | Jurgen |
Email: | mg-b@wanadoo.nl |
Homepage: | http://home.wanadoo.nl/mg-b/ |
Car(s): | MG-B Roadster 1972 imported from the usa into NL |
Comment: | Dear Rainer, in the first place I want to thank you for signing my guestbook at my homepage. I want to make some compliments about your homepage and your MG-B GT how it has become now. Very very professional (and beautiful). Greetings. |
Dec 21, 1999 | Anna-Malin Karlsson |
Email: | amk@mylaptop.com |
Homepage: | http://move.to/my.404 |
Car(s): | Peugeot 404 -73 (sedan) |
Comment: | Nice pages! Especially "The Collection". I'll link to you the next time I update my own page! Merry Christmas and all... |
Dec 24, 1999 | Chris Nevard |
Email: | spridget@mgcars.org.uk |
Homepage: | http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/spridget/ |
Car(s): | MGBGT / MG Midget |
Comment: | Hi Rainer, I saw hat you had signed my guestbook. I thought that I best return the act. Looking forward to seeing you GT after the reassembly! Like you I think that I will put a performance dizzy on the GT after Christmas. Occasionally the vacuum advance sticks - this way I won't have one! CHeers! Chris |
Dec 27, 1999 | Wong Kian Wooi |
Email: | kianwooi@tm.net.my |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | Peugeot 504 sedan 1979 |
Comment: | Congratulation! |
Jan 20, 2000 | Mallach Tovi |
Email: | eden1@barak-online.net |
Homepage: | |
Car(s): | Peugeot 204 convertebele,1969 |
Comment: | I'm looking for service book, for repire my car,I hope you will be able to help me. I waiting for your response, because I can`t finish repire the car. If you have the book, or if I`ll need parts for the car, how can I connect with you? Thank you, Tovi. Harav kook 35/3 st. Hrzelia Israel. |
Jan 28, 2000 | Mallach Tovi |
Email: | eden1@barak-online.net |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | Peugeot 204 conver |
Comment: | First, Thank you for your answer although, you don`t have the book, but I wrote to Henyas and I hope they have this book. If you don`t remmember I own a 204 conver (1969) and I can`t finish her repair without the book. You wrote you can ask the Peugeot-mailing list, I hope they will be able to help me. wait for answer. alot of appraisement, Tovi. |
Feb 27, 2000 | Brent Lord |
Email: | brentlord@lycosmail.com |
Homepage: | http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Street/5401/index.htm |
Car(s): | 504 coupe - 505 V6 - Renault 11 |
Comment: | I'm looking for the manufacturer of the twin headlamp kits for the 505 - although they have to be RHD |
Mar 10, 2000 | erdem bascelik |
Email: | mofom@mailcity.com |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | 75'peugeot 504gl, 98'citroen xsara1.8, 00'peugeot 206 xs |
Comment: | this site is very good. i didnt see a 504 site before like this. can you help me to find 504 parts? thx |
Mar 11, 2000 | Jeff Barbabosa |
Email: | barbabosa5@home.com |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | 1981 504 S/W 1983 505 Estate that was shiped from europe to Cal. |
Comment: | This is a cool site i wish people had more sites like this. I like checking out this site very much and hopefully you add new stuff. Thanks Jeff Barbabosa |
Mar 12, 2000 | Ola Zandén |
Email: | ola.zandén@boras.se |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | Citroen DS 21 |
Comment: | I will just give you a hint of were you can get an Peugeot 604 SL if you are interested. The owner is:Oddgeir Kvamme telephone nr:0046-853037060 |
Apr 13, 2000 | aree |
Email: | aree@pcaacth |
Homepage: | http://www.pca.ac.th |
Car(s): | Peugeot 504 |
Comment: | Thanks you for joining with your website. |
Apr 17, 2000 | iwan gunawan |
Email: | iwan@cilandak.wireline.slb.com |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | 1975 XN1 504 |
Comment: | durable old peugeot never let me down so far.. |
Apr 23, 2000 | Thorsten Abel |
Email: | |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | MB W115+W116 |
Comment: | Viel Fleiß, viel Lob! Nicht schlecht und Hut ab! bis zum nächsten Mal! schüssinger! Thorsten p.s.steht's zum Rennen bereit! |
Apr 27, 2000 | Klaus Wanjura |
Email: | klaus.wanjura@saatchi.de |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | 504 GL, Bj 74 |
Comment: | Super homepage! Weiter so! Wenn mein Auto erst mal läuft will ich es auch im www präsentieren. Bis dahin suche ich aber nach Unterstützung: Ich brauche ein Federbein vorne links, Habt Ihr so was auf Lager? Oder kennt Ihr jemanden? Please help me, es ist ja schon fast Sommer.... Klaus klaus.wanjura@saatchi.de |
May 22, 2000 | Der Scheff |
Email: | ypsilon1@gmx.de |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | Peugeot Limousine |
Comment: | ... und wann gibt's die neuen Seiten vom Peugeot-Treffen bei Husum vom 13. Mai 2000? |
Jun 5, 2000 | Stefan |
Email: | S.Stefan@t-online.de |
Homepage: | http://home.t-online.de/home/s.stefan/index/ |
Car(s): | 406 Coupé 3.0 V6 24V |
Comment: | Hi Rainer, super Homepage, gefällt mir sehr gut! Die Bilder sind wirklich wunderschön und schnell geladen. Weiter so! Gruß an alle Löwen "Saarland" MFG Stefan |
Jun 19, 2000 | Jan L. Dumno |
Email: | DumnoJL@maschinenbau.fh-wiesbaden.de |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | Volvo 740 GL; 760 GLE, Mercedes 280 SE '77 |
Comment: | Hallo ! Ich möchte gerne Microfiche und Handbuch vom Tagora haben ! |
Jul 4, 2000 | Adam Fairfax |
Email: | adam.fairfax@scudder.com.au |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | 1980 504 GL |
Comment: | Dear Rainer Love the Pug 504... It's just like mine and has had almost the exact same work done. Would love to have contact from you to ask several really important questions re your restoration. Hope to hear from you soon Regards Adam Fairfax. |
Jul 14, 2000 | Jorge Nunez |
Email: | ganunez@adelphia.net |
Homepage: | http://www.Geocities.com\Motorcity\Track\4889\p1.jpg |
Car(s): | |
Comment: | See the link for a nice shot of my 89 turbo wagon, and ... sw8.jpg for a shot of wife`s 92 SW8. |
Jul 14, 2000 | Hugo Steincamp |
Email: | norgo@cybertrails.com |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | '87 505 STX |
Comment: | A great website for Peugeots. Fascinating. |
Jul 14, 2000 | John Lewis |
Email: | jslewi1@banet.net |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | '91 Peugeot 505T SW8, '91 Audi 100 |
Comment: | Great pages |
Jul 17, 2000 | Joe Rosen |
Email: | smokin_300B@hotmail.com |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | Ahem...1981 Saab 900 Sedan, 1982 Saab 900 H/B, 1985 Peugeot 505 STI |
Comment: | ...1986 Peugeot 505 Turbo (X2), 1987 Chevrolet Sprint Turbo (Suzuki Forsa Turbo), 1988 Pontiac Firefly 5-Speed (Suzuki Forsa), 1986 Hyundai Pony (X2, one automatic, other 5-speed) Well Rainer, there used to be several more! As an obviously certifiable car nut I applaud your wonderful website, so very interesting & well thought out! I've just about restored my 505STI & one of the Turbo 505's. Head-cracking bad fun! Nice to so much attention spent on the elegant 604, pictures hardly do this model justice. Perhaps one day... |
Jul 25, 2000 | Dachochai Wilairat |
Email: | Dachochai@hotmail.com |
Homepage: | |
Car(s): | Peugeot 504 GL,505 2.0 GR |
Comment: | I like your homepage very much. I see the homepage peugeot,exspecially about 504 and 505. I think, I see almost page. Oh! I will introduce myself. I'm studying in Master degree at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok in chemistry. I'm live in NakornPathom, a provice nearby Bangkok, Thailand. I have two peugeot - 504 GL is the first peugeot, father bought it in 1979, red colour, 1971cc, Zenith carburetor, 97 HP. It is the importcar from France. I just rebuilt their engine, In thailand the spairparts of peugeot expensive. Another 505 GR, 1991 year, blue-green colour, 1971cc, Solex carburetor, 108 HP, power steering wheel. It is the local assembly. I'm very like the peugeot, so the care for my peugeots. I like your hompage, worldwild section, such 504, 505. In 504 section, It is the most complete, but not have handbook likes 404. In 505, I would you addition, the information like 504. For example, revolution of 505, series ?, 1, 2, 3. In the next time, I will sent my car pictures to you. Thank you very much!! I hope, your page will have new update soon. |
Jul 28, 2000 | Frank Waernes |
Email: | pontiac@nor.packardbell.org |
Homepage: | http://run to pontiac |
Car(s): | Pontiac 1948 |
Comment: | Thaks for a good site. Frank |
Jul 29, 2000 | Roy |
Email: | royelara@ucinet.com |
Homepage: | |
Car(s): | |
Comment: | To a purist, it is always rather disconcerting to see an ad in the Autos for Sale section of a newspaper reading...."For sale... 1963 Studebaker Lark...a real classic." What rot! The last automobile to be sanctioned as a "Classic" by the Classic Car Club of America was the 1948 Cadillac Series 62 Formal Town limousine. The one before that was the 1946 Packard four-door Touring Sedan...One of the last five in existence having had my name on its title at one time. Excuse me for feeling this way, but to see the grand term "Classic" applied so loosely and so unjustly to any auto older than twenty-five years has the same effect on me as seeing a morbidly obese woman trying to get into her "classic" 1956 Ford Thunderbird. |
Jul 31, 2000 | Stephen Allard |
Email: | sprucehead@uswest.net |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | honda, oldsmobile - sorry |
Comment: | I was in the Peace Corps in Tunisa in the late 70's. You either rode in a quatre cent quatre (404) or you walked. It's a NOSTALGIA THING! Thanks for the memories, Steve |
Jul 31, 2000 | Ari |
Email: | ari_satriana@i.am |
Homepage: | http://i.am/ari_satriana |
Car(s): | Toyota |
Comment: | It's very very good car, i liked it verymuch. I am a Peugeots Fan too. I'm from Jakarta, INDONESIA (Asia) take care ur car for me ok!!! |
Aug 1, 2000 | Club MG Catalunya |
Email: | mpalli@adam.es |
Homepage: | http://drive.to/MGCATALUNYA |
Car(s): | MG B |
Comment: | Hi from MG CATALUNYA Club |
Aug 2, 2000 | Erik Dambrink |
Email: | uspowerwheelers@hotmail.com |
Homepage: | http://members.tripod.lycos.nl/USPowerWheelers |
Car(s): | |
Comment: | Nice site. |
Aug 3, 2000 | Mandy |
Email: | |
Homepage: | http://www.cabrio-talk.de |
Car(s): | |
Comment: |
Aug 7, 2000 | André |
Email: | schnellster@ngi.de |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | only one car, as you know... |
Comment: | Endlich nahm ich mir mal die Zeit.. ...auf Euren Seiten gründlich zu stöbern! Bin schwerst beeindruckt und kann nur sagen: EURE HOMEPAGE IST JA WOHL ALLEROBERERSTESAHNESPITZENKLASSE!!! Toll! Auch die Peking-Seite ist cool! Schön, bei Euch zu surfen! andré |
Aug 26, 2000 | Alejandro UCha Toledo |
Email: | ucha@airtel.net |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | FIAT 124 ABARTH RALLIE |
Comment: | I need pieces |
Aug 30, 2000 | Heiko |
Email: | opel@manta.de |
Homepage: | www.manta.de |
Car(s): | Oppel Manta A & B, Admiral B, Ford P6 (15 M XL) |
Comment: | Moinsen Rainer! Thanx! Noch mehr krasse Mantas gibt's vom 31. August bis zum 03. September 2000 in Brokstedt im Speedwaystadion (für Nicht-Eingeweihte: ca. 50 km nordwestlich von Hamburg) zu sehen. Der "Manta A Club Hamburg" lädt nämlich ein zum "30-Jahre-Manta"-Jubiläumstreffen in Brokstedt ein. Auch B-Mantas sind herzlich willkommen !! CU... P.S. Mehr darüber direkt auf der homepage der Veranstalter: www.mantasite.purespace.de PS Hey, Sabine! What about a real Wurstblinker for your Italianblackanddirtyhummelnimhinternmotorbike ?? Check it Out!! |
Sep 4, 2000 | Andre Slokkers |
Email: | aslokkers@wish.net |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | peugeot 504 L 1977 |
Comment: | We looked at your websight and enjoyed it very much. We are at this moment renovating a Peugeot 504 L 1977. We saw that you also renovated on. Can you give us some information on where to by parts. |
Sep 7, 2000 | Paul Schilperoord |
Email: | tatra@tatra.demon.nl |
Homepage: | http://www.tatra.demon.nl |
Car(s): | 1972 Tatra T603-2 |
Comment: | Hi, great site this is! I'm a big fan of old Peugeot cars too, although I own a Tatra T603-2. Would like to own a Peugeot 404 or 504 someday... A few weeks ago in France I came across an Peugeot model, which I think was a 304, completely rusted away between some bushes together with a Citroen HY van. I managed to rescue the PEUGEOT-badge, a DIESEL-badge and a doorhandle and mirror. The rest was completely beyond rescue, even for the most willing Peugeot-fan... Sad but an interesting find on my holidays! |
Sep 7, 2000 | Stuart Bird |
Email: | smbird@ic24.net |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | Peugeot 104ZS 504 GL AUTO |
Comment: | Good site for Peugeot fans. Though l am shocked to see that you havn't owned a 104. Great little car. |
Sep 8, 2000 | Joseph van den Enden |
Email: | bluefrog@chello.nl |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | 505 GRD commerciale |
Comment: | Hello, I am a Dutchman chearching for a Peugeot 505 GRD Commercial. Last year some young bandits in our village stole my car and set/put it on fire. I never cared a little deal for cars. But this car catched my heart. So if anyone can help me to find such a car (people told me there were also 4 x 4 weel drive) i will be verry greatfull. (I am sorry for my English language) Joseph van den Enden |
Sep 9, 2000 | Peugeoiste |
Email: | ypsilon1@gmx.net |
Homepage: | coming soon |
Car(s): | Peugeot 505 GTi |
Comment: | Bonjour Peugeot! Liebär 'arald, schenkst Du mir die große Silberauto so 'übsch 'at geprickält an mein Bauchnabäl? Peugeot 505 - prickelt länger als man denkt. |
Sep 18, 2000 | Michael aus Salzburg |
Email: | hahnbaum@hotmail.com |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | 405 Sign., 505 GTI |
Comment: | Tolle Seite! Hatte bis 95 genau das selbe STI Modell von 1982 in beige metallic. Nur die 3-Stufen-Automatik hatte leider teure Mucken. Habe sie dann auf Schaltgetriebe umbauen lassen, aber das war eine fast unmögliche Operation mit vielen Kinderkrankheiten (Seilzug).Als ich das Auto nur einen Tag einem Freund lieh, bekam ich nur mehr einen Schrotthaufen zurück. Er hat zwar alles bezahlt, aber in der Zwischenzeit sind die 505 so selten, daß sie eigentlich für mich unbezahlbar und unverkäuflich sind. Verleih ihn nie! |
Sep 19, 2000 | marus scholz |
Email: | mscholz@colonial.com.au |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | p 505 gr '82 |
Comment: | Hi. I live in sunny sydney, australia. Over here, many 504 and 505s are still on the road - they were very popular. Mine is an old 82 GR - still going very well. It has a ford weber carby from a Cortina - makes much better power and economy. Have also a series 2 5 speed box (BA10) fitted - the conversion is a bit of a hassle. Still Does 170kmh, but its geting a bit rattly now. I was interested to read of the fuse box and circuit board problems - mine blows fuses like crazy - I got around it by fitting very high resistance fuses. Just have to beware of a burning smell ... |
Sep 21, 2000 | Richard |
Email: | 406hdi@chello.at |
Homepage: | http://www.geocities.com/lion_freak |
Car(s): | 406 SV HDI Break 110 |
Comment: | Hey there! I am a Peugeot Fan and your site is very cool. So look at my site there are also Pics of 404, 504 and 505 to see. I make a link to your site at the next update. Bye Bye Rick |
Sep 26, 2000 | Yayan Sudaryana |
Email: | scipromo@indosat.net.id |
Homepage: | http://www.geocities.com/peugeotclubbandung |
Car(s): | Peugeot 505 GR |
Comment: | My Car Peugeot 505 GR Black Solid 1984 in modification 505 GTi, |
Oct 6, 2000 | jim hearne |
Email: | askjim@go2guatemala.com |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | 505 Turbo |
Comment: | Does someone out there have a checklist for looking over the 505 model before purchasing? Thanks |
Oct 9, 2000 | Tousseyn Joris |
Email: | Tousseyn.joris@worldonline.be |
Homepage: | http:// |
Car(s): | |
Comment: | I am looking for information about peugeot 402 from 1957. Can you help me? It is very difficult for me to find anything. Greetings, Joris. |