A R A G E 2 4 G U E S T B O O K I V ( 2 0 0 3 -
Datum: | 15.04.2007 um 00:20:49 |
E-Mail: | ppsmith@bcm.tmc.edu |
Name: | Phil Smith |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Eine schoene farbe! I've built a couple of engines I regard as quick and reliable. Formerly used in my ProRally MGBGT (stage rally) in the USA, one of them was sold and the other was re-cammed with a fast road cam (Piper BP270). Built around 83 mm pistons, 10:1 compression achieved by angle-cutting the pistons to allow good "squish" under the spark plug. Two cars right now, 1965 MGB Tourer (with ex-rally motor)(OE White/Red) and 1966 MGBGT (Grampian Grey) - the daily driver. Vielen Glueck mit Ihrem GT! (Schneller Sicherheit! ???) |
Datum: | 05.01.2007 um 05:56:06 |
E-Mail: | harshan@iil.informatics.lk |
Name: | Harshan Senadhira |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Hi Rainer, Good to see you back with latest update. I've sent few latest pictures of my 504s but the mail got returned. I acquired another 504 and altogether I have 3 504s. Waiting to see a good update with more pictures of great pugs 504 L 1974 504 GR 1979 504 GR 1983 406 1996 |
Datum: | 20.10.2006 um 12:42:00 |
E-Mail: | uppy_zf@yahoo.com |
Name: | zulfikar |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | First of all, I'd like to introduce myself, I'm from Indonesia. Well I don't know what to say at all, just wanna appreciate this a really great web ( sorry, my english really bad ). I have 505 GR'86 (A/T), just bought from ex member club 505 community, It's condition not to bad. I always use this car only on saturday & sunday. My other car is Mazda 323 Interplay, I usually use for working activity ( monday to friday ), the reason I use my 505 only on sat & sunday because fuel consumption is bigger than my mazda. Long time ago ( about 15 years ago ) I had 504 version. My comment : Peugeot is a really comfort car as their motto : engineered to be enjoyed!!! My question : Is there any way to make the fuel consumption become cheaper? Thanks a lot |
Datum: | 12.09.2006 um 17:17:28 |
E-Mail: | martin-freier@hotmail.com |
Name: | Martin Freier |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Achja: Und noch eine Frage. Macht Ihr noch die Parties in der Garage mit BBQ? Würde gerne mal dazustoßen. >> Auch die wird wieder geben, allerdings erst Sommer 2007. Gruß, Rainer |
Datum: | 12.09.2006 um 17:16:30 |
E-Mail: | martin.freier@hotmail.com |
Name: | Martin Freier |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Hallo. Passiert hier auf der Seite noch was oder hast du den Betrieb eingestellt? Schade eigentlich. >> Moin Martin, ein Update ist schon lange in Arbeit, aber die spärliche Freizeit... Geht auf jeden Fall weiter mit der Seite. Gruß, Rainer |
Datum: | 09.09.2006 um 19:59:09 |
E-Mail: | peter.heidrich@ownit.nu |
Name: | peter |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Nice work paint jobb looks great have a 1969 gt in sweden BRG whit totaly rebuild engine (1800)0,40 bore 268 camshaft and ported head runs great hope youl finnish it/peter |
Datum: | 05.09.2006 um 00:34:57 |
E-Mail: | khalil_darras@yahoo.com |
Name: | khalil sami |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | I am from Jordan and I have 505 (1988) its very nice car and very strong car |
Datum: | 19.07.2006 um 23:11:32 |
E-Mail: | redactie@peugeotexpomagazine.nl |
Name: | Mrtn |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Nice site! Perhaps this site might be interesting voor Peugeot-interested people: www.peugeotexpomagazine.nl |
Datum: | 19.04.2006 um 01:11:50 |
E-Mail: | mrs@mail.com |
Name: | mr s |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | hi ya, it was a pleasure visiting your site. please have a look at my rebuild of my mgb gt 1975:- http://up.to/mgbgt |
Datum: | 04.04.2006 um 17:40:23 |
E-Mail: | barrie@look.ca |
Name: | Barrie Robinson |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Your last date is '02-'03 are you still active? >> I'm still active, update is in progress! Rainer |
Datum: | 23.03.2006 um 16:14:18 |
E-Mail: | jogh70@aol.com |
Name: | Free Kid Game |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Hi. Visted the site and its all very nice but regular update is super. |
Datum: | 01.03.2006 um 22:01:34 |
E-Mail: | lena104@gmx.de |
Name: | Marc (605 SV) |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Hallo, eure Page ist echt super! Ich bin ein Fan älterer Peugeot, fahre selber einen 81er 104 ZL und einen 95er 605 SV 3.0. Gibt es event. Treffen im Kölner Raum? Gruss Marc |
Datum: | 12.01.2006 um 15:08:48 |
E-Mail: | peugeoiste@myway.com |
Name: | Peugeoiste |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Gibt es noch das Treffen in Wehrstedt? Welche anderen Peugeot-Klassiker-Treffen wird es 2006 geben? AW: Meinst Du Frestedt...? Das Treffen wird im Sinne von Christoph Ruppel weitergeführt. Weitere Termine siehe MARKT bzw. die links auf meinen Seiten. Gruß, Rainer |
Datum: | 17.08.2005 um 10:01:03 |
E-Mail: | ebaymg2005@yahoo.co.uk |
Name: | Mike UK |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Very nice site and well done on the comprehensive and detailed restoration of the MG. Cheers. Mike ('72 BGT) |
Datum: | 05.08.2005 um 05:23:26 |
E-Mail: | kieranmcinerney@bigpond.com |
Name: | kieran mcinerney |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | hallo leute! nice webpage i am in sydney australia and have 2 504 famailiales, a 7 seater 1981 and a six seater 1977 they have merged recently, one was a donor of its engine... sadly if u cd let me know of other good 504 break webpages, thet wd be great in the mean time i would lek to know what u replaced your rear shock absorbers with is there a way of reducing body roll? .. regards Kieran |
Datum: | 24.07.2005 um 21:16:34 |
E-Mail: | Melvindaniel51@yahoo.com |
Name: | Melvin Daniel |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | 1983 Peugeot Gas 1984 Peugeot Gas 1985 Peugeot Turbo Diseal I need parts to rebuild my 1985 turbo diesel engine 2.5 2498cc 4L I have parts for sale from the 1983 and 1984 |
Datum: | 11.07.2005 um 12:11:11 |
E-Mail: | phranque@voila.fr |
Name: | Franck |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | I have a 605 TurboD 2.5l modified and a website for 605 : www.peugeotserie6.fr.tc (or www.peugeotserie6.com) Your white 605 Gutmann is beautiful !! But where did you've found Eibach springs for 605 ?! |
Datum: | 10.07.2005 um 14:42:43 |
E-Mail: | mugu@yahoo.de |
Name: | mugu |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | nice site guys |
Datum: | 20.06.2005 um 11:26:19 |
E-Mail: | asselman_serge@hotmail.com |
Name: | Serge Asselman |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Hi there, very nice site. My father also drove a peugeot 504, in the mid 80's but the newer model. Now I would like to buy me a classic 504, when i lately saw one for sale, unfortunatly it was in poor condition. greets, Serge |
Datum: | 13.06.2005 um 19:22:00 |
E-Mail: | bharat_seth@sify.com |
Name: | Bharat Seth |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Sir, I am the owner of a peugeot 302 model 1937.Help is required in the restoration.please reply if you can helpin getting me some spares.Thanks. Bharat Set |
Datum: | 10.05.2005 um 06:09:17 |
E-Mail: | Uging@yahoo.com |
Name: | Uging |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | I am from Jakarta, Indonesia. I have Peugeot 405 SRI 1991. Unfortunately, there is no link to 405 in your main page. Just curious. You are a German, but proud of French stuff. Why ? 1) THERE'S NO LINK TO 405 SITES BECAUSE I DO NOT CARE ABOUT 405s. 2) CAN YOU EXPLAIN DEDICATION? REGARDS, RAINER |
Datum: | 02.05.2005 um 01:41:01 |
E-Mail: | tincho_peugeot@hotmail.com |
Name: | martin |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | I have a 505 model 93. the engine is 2,2 litre whit injecction. I will be to send photos. the page is very well. thank you. I am form argentina, I m sorry, I dont write very well english. |
Datum: | 02.05.2005 um 01:37:27 |
E-Mail: | tincho_peugeot@hotmail.com |
Name: | martin |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | I have a 505 model 93. the engine is 2,2 litre whit injecction. I will be to send photos. the page ia very well. thank you |
Datum: | 25.03.2005 um 13:24:03 |
E-Mail: | pokersuse@lycos.de |
Name: | Rainer Zirbs |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | MGB page & stories splendid ! Profound insider's knowledge ! I'm just planning to buy an MGBGT (I'mdriving already a MGB convertible for more than 4 years). Will restuarations be cone by you professionally ? If so, please contact: Rainer Z i r b s Wohnpark Haus 241b 33181 Bad Wünnenberg fon: 02953-963008 mobile:01752035852 fax: same as phone e-mail:zirbs@freenet.de or: :pokersuse@lycos.de |
Datum: | 15.03.2005 um 15:24:29 |
E-Mail: | chezrshea@yahoo.com |
Name: | Rick Shea |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | My timing belt broke on my 1991 505 SW8 and I have replace it, the engine will turn over or crank but refuses to start.I have reversed the firing order on the distributer,still will not start,I have a haynes manual for this car and since I am a novice,and love my peugeot I will not give up on it,HELP! |
Datum: | 25.02.2005 um 10:48:19 |
E-Mail: | mente@merten.de |
Name: | Mente Merten |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Was haltet ihr denn von Peugeot-Verbrauchtwagen? Ich fahre einen richtig rostigen 504 TI mit riesen Löchern im Blech, der sich noch so gerade von Punkt A zu Punkt B schleppt. Der Motor qualmt und ölt, das es eine Freude ist. Das ist der richtige Weg, 504 zu fahren. Habt Ihr auch Peugeot-Verbrauchtwagen? Gruß vom Mente |
Datum: | 30.01.2005 um 23:22:06 |
E-Mail: | gemeloslocos@hormail.com |
Name: | martin |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | muy buena la pagina, contiene material de mucho interes....... los felicitoªªªªªªªªª martin....chile.... |
Datum: | 25.01.2005 um 13:19:54 |
E-Mail: | recht@bfub.de |
Name: | Uwe |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Sehr schöne Seite zu den in D leider wenig präsenten 04 Peugeots! Interessant finde ich auch die Kombination Peugeot/Saab. Bin über Cit. und P 404 jetzt zu Saab gekommen. 900 Serie 1 natürlich! Grüße |
Datum: | 19.01.2005 um 18:47:04 |
E-Mail: | Schnamba@gmx.de |
Name: | Erik |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Moin Jungs! Geile Seite habt ihr da...und ganz besonders schön sind eure alten Ladies in der Garage. Das ist ein verdammt schönes Hobby, das ihr da teilt! Ich selbe fahre ebenfalls eine Vespa special von '79, und bin total zufrieden damit. Aber gefällt mir, sau geil!!! Bis denne Erik aus Neuss |
Datum: | 16.01.2005 um 19:25:19 |
E-Mail: | arttu.puukko@evl.fi |
Name: | Arttu Puukko |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | |
Datum: | 03.01.2005 um 11:00:26 |
E-Mail: | herman.gustiawan@gmf-aeroasia.co.id |
Name: | Herman Gustiawan |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | I'm recently visit your website, it's s great site. I loved it. I'm just currious, I have been seen the Michael Semmler's 1987 505 V6 auto, what kind of blue this car? This is delft blue? I love blue. Actually I have two 505, they are 505 gti and 505 gr automatic, the both car was a blue color. So when I see the Michael 505, I love the blue of paint of his car. By the way, may I send you the picture of my 505, if I could, I will send you the picture. O ya I lived in Jakarta, Indonesia. Regards Herman Gustiawan hg/d505nh moonlight_blue |
Datum: | 30.12.2004 um 23:35:58 |
E-Mail: | Zleeed@hotmail.com |
Name: | Westin |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Hey! I Wonder if your bodykit to the peugeot 605 is for sale and if so how much? Thanks for know //Westin from sweden |
Datum: | 09.12.2004 um 02:52:00 |
E-Mail: | tcrose@sympatico.ca |
Name: | Ted Rose |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Great site!Really enjoyed your restoration photos.You've got the BRG paint just right too. I have a 1967 BGT,a 1969 BGT and a 1973 cnvt. |
Datum: | 07.12.2004 um 09:21:11 |
E-Mail: | used_car2010@yahoo.com |
Name: | mahmuod youssef |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Dear Sir, thanks for your help our group.WE ARE EGYPTIAN TRADERS WORK IN FEILD OF CARS DAMAGE& used,so now i can tell you what i want to see if you can get it and i promise i will do business with your company per month with any amount of cars . now it's our needs, 1- 406 Peugeot ( how many do you have ? you're prices )petrol 2-307 Peugeot ( how many do you have ? you're prices )petrol 3- 405 Peugeot ( how many do you have ? you're prices )petrol 4- 306 Peugeot ( how many do you have ? you're prices )petrol 5- boxer diesel and partiner diesel ( how many do you have ? you're prices ) 6- Citroen C 3 ( how many do you have ? you're prices ) 7-Citroen C 5 ( how many do you have ? you're prices ) 8- can you collect some of Peugeot 505, 504 9- can you collect some of Suzuki vetra and Suzuki kary 4c or 6c this is all i need so please before i travel to your company in give me an e-mail as soon as possible tell me you have our needs or some of it. looking forward to seeing you, Yours, Mahmoud Youssef COMPANY OWNER tel-+20103724863 fax.+2025714564 |
Datum: | 28.09.2004 um 05:21:17 |
E-Mail: | johnlaing@clear.net.nz |
Name: | john |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Excellent site, keep up the good work. My 504 has been in our family since new in 79. We keep it garaged and mainly use it for long runs . Still havent reached the 100000m mark yet! Looking forward to the next 25 yrs. |
Datum: | 24.09.2004 um 08:24:29 |
E-Mail: | alain@cebeon.be |
Name: | Alain |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Gestolen In 2003 werd mijn nog niet gerestaureerde MG TC Bj 1959 gestolen uit een opslagplaats te Eke-Nazareth (bij Gent). Ik deed aangifte bij de Politie, maar tot op heden blijft de wagen spoorloos. Het Chassis nummer is : 6046 Het motornummer is : 6756 De wagen was voorzien van spaakwielen en had een rode buiten kleur en groen interieur. Uiteraard staat er een mooie beloning tegen over een tip die de aanleiding is voor het terug vinden van de wagen. Alle info kan worden doorgegeven via mijn GSM 0475 26 77 79 , via e-mail of via de Politiezone Schelde en Leie op 09/321.76.60 Stolen Not yet restored MG TC 1959 colour red, interior colour green chassisn° 6046 Engine n° 6756. If you have any information useful to finding the MG please contact me at my mobile + 32 475 26 77 79 or contact the police at + 32 9 321 76 60. There is a substantial reward for the tip leading to the car. |
Datum: | 12.09.2004 um 00:30:42 |
E-Mail: | djalex@eunet.yu |
Name: | Alex |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Great website. You convinced me to add the English version to mine, http://peugeot_djuka.tripod.com Keep up the good work Alex |
Datum: | 15.08.2004 um 03:15:44 |
E-Mail: | dougbrockfield@bigpond.com |
Name: | Doug Brockfield |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Have just found your site. I live in Australia, and have been driving Peugeots for 32 years, starting with a 404. I'm a member of the Peugeot Car Club of Victoria, also Peugeot Car Club of Western Australia. We attend Peugeot events in New South Wales, Queensland, and South Australia. As you can see, we are pretty dedicated Pug people. I currently have a 406 Coupe, a restored 1969 404, a 406 sedan , and a 1992 605 SV ( electric heated leather seats etc). We recently also had ( only one in Australia) a 106 Diesel. It is still in our Club. I would like to make contact with the person on your web site who has the 605. Can you please give me his details, or get him to contact me. Many thanks, Doug Brockfield, Melbourne, Australia. |
Datum: | 13.08.2004 um 04:52:15 |
E-Mail: | steveshannon@fusebox.ie |
Name: | steve |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Hi, i was having a browse around your site as I just bought a 71 MGB GT in need of restoration. if you wouldn't mind I'd love to see some photos of the dash and interior for some pointers as mine needs a lot of work in that department. great site. probably the most informative around. many thanks steve |
Datum: | 24.07.2004 um 13:57:01 |
E-Mail: | munningjs@aol.com |
Name: | darren |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | selling my dads peugeot 404 coupe 1969 r.h. drive injection. white spares and manuals 80,000 miles wales uk. car needs work. if any one would like to know more or may have any ideas please contact me. thanks.. good site |
Datum: | 20.07.2004 um 12:44:36 |
E-Mail: | ghpcaubo@hetnet.nl |
Name: | Georg |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Deine seite steht auf der Links-page !!! Gruss, George www.mg-b.tk |
Datum: | 26.06.2004 um 21:59:23 |
E-Mail: | ghpcaubo@hetnet.nl |
Name: | Georg |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Tolle Seite, vorallem weil sie über den GT geht, und nicht wie alle anderen (auch meine eigene ; ) über den roadster !!! Darf ich sie auf meine links-Seite aufnemen ? Gruss, George Bocholtz, Niederlande (ungefähr 2 kilometer von Aachen) www.mg-b.tk oder www.gcaubo.tk |
Datum: | 11.06.2004 um 12:09:50 |
E-Mail: | frifelt@oncable.dk |
Name: | JENS URUP, CO |
Datum: | 26.05.2004 um 21:56:06 |
E-Mail: | monokid@gmx.de |
Name: | Andi |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Hallo, 26.5.04, Spiegel.de, Bild des Tages, Cabrio im Irak---- ist dat einer aus der 1.Serie?? http://www.spiegel.de/auto/aktuell/0,1518,grossbild-357373-301617,00.html |
Datum: | 16.03.2004 um 07:14:44 |
E-Mail: | browngbro@insightbb.com |
Name: | Garret Brown |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | I am 28 years old and am currently restoring a 1974 MGB GT. I need all the help I can get. |
Datum: | 11.03.2004 um 06:42:20 |
E-Mail: | desponde@iprimus.com.au |
Name: | Dave DESMOND |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Tut mir leid, I forgot to say I have a 505 Executive (similar to the GTi, with 2165cc ZDJ motor, ZF 3-speed A/T etc, bit leather seats and two-tone lower body, plus unique style (I'm told) front 'spoiler' /stone deflector. PS: Back in 1997 I briefly owned a 1981 504 cabrio 4 cyl, 5-speed manual in South Africa. Classic styling but lots of problems! |
Datum: | 11.03.2004 um 06:34:43 |
E-Mail: | desponde@iprimus.com.au |
Name: | Dave DESMOND |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Excellent site, Rainer—lots of info and a good selection of Pug photos. I'm trying to find out if the V6 was ever a factory option in the 504 cabrio. Until a couple of years ago, all the info I had, from different sources, indicated that only the 4 cyl motor 1971 cc motor was available in this body style, and that the V6 was only available in the coupé. But recently more and more used cabrios are listed with a V6—are these private conversions, perhaps? —Grüsse aus Australia |
Datum: | 07.03.2004 um 19:02:10 |
E-Mail: | bert@beta.telenordia.se |
Name: | Henrik Dahlgren |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Hi! I´m looking for a authentic )and working) FM-radio reciever for my 504 -74. I´ve heard that Blaupunkt made one with speaker placed under the radio & foot button to change channel. Anyone who have one to sell or know anything about it? BR Henrik Dahlgren Sweden |
Datum: | 25.02.2004 um 03:13:07 |
E-Mail: | hididdles@hotmail.com |
Name: | heidi |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | hey i'm lookin for some info or some pictures on a... 1982 peugeot 540. i've got one and it needs some work so.. if anyone has any usefule info e-mail me |
Datum: | 18.01.2004 um 00:42:17 |
E-Mail: | Peter_erixon83@hotmail.com |
Name: | Daniel Ericsson |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Peugeot!!! Is the best car-company in the world!!! According to my experience! You have to "exuse" my english prenanciation! I´m from Sweden you know!! Peugeot 505 from the 80:s is the best one!! It´s so angry, so fuel of power! I´ve heard that someone had tuned a 505 until it reaced the 500 hp line! Is that possible true? |
Datum: | 16.01.2004 um 04:29:32 |
E-Mail: | gary@politicalbuttons.com |
Name: | Gary L. Cohen |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | I have a rubber bumber 1974.5 MGB-GT which was the last gt's imported to the USA. Just finished my restoration and now adding A/C for those warm summers days here in Las Vegas. We painted the car a middle blue with an custom ivory interior to keep it cool. |
Datum: | 15.12.2003 um 04:05:32 |
E-Mail: | harshansenadhira@yahoo.com |
Name: | Harshan Senadhira |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Hi rainer, I enjoyed your latest update. Surprized by having seen bunch of Sri Lankan 504s in the world section. Keep up the good work for the sake of peugeot lovers. (in my case 504) |
Datum: | 14.12.2003 um 20:12:21 |
E-Mail: | ta.bruckmann@wanadoo.nl |
Name: | W.Hoksbergen |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | It was nice to look at youre site.Keep up the good work.An peugeot lover from holland. |
Datum: | 11.12.2003 um 23:17:51 |
E-Mail: | wim@vboekel.tmfweb.nl |
Name: | Wim van Boekel |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Biete den folgenden Peugeots zum verkauf an: -Peugeot 504GL,ocean blue,beige stof Int,105000km original,Bj76,hervoragender Zustand,kein Rost,keine Butsen. -Peugeot 504 GL Aut,weiss,rotes stof Int,Schaubedach,Bj73,64000km orginal,sehr schon. -Peugeot 504GL,weiss,blaues stof Int,73000km original,in sehr guten algemeinen Zustand,Bj 78. -Peugeot 504TI,bj 78,gold/braun Metalik,grau stof Int,Schaubedach,schones Auto,132000km original. -Peugeot 504GLD,bj 77,appfelgrun,225000km,Motor gewechselt bei 80.000km,Int grau Stof,Schaubedach,in sehr gute allgemeinen Zustand. -Peugeot 504GLD,gris fumee,Bj78,gelbes stof Int,Schaubedach,guten Zustand,bischen Arbeit weil er einige Jahren nicht gefahren hat,lauft weiteres gut. -Peugeot 504GLD,hellgrun,lederes Int,Schaubedach,Bj78,in sehr guter Zustand,214000km. -Peugeot 504GLD,gold Metalik,braunes Stof Int,bj 79,94000km original,hervoragender Zustand. -Peugeot 404 Familiale,bj 62,ersten Type Familiale,in hervoragender Zustand,Motor und Bremsen Revisiert. -Peugeot 404 Limousine SL,schwarz,1964,sehr guten allgemeinen Zustand,nur das Leder ist nicht Topf. -Peugeot 404 Aut,bordeauxrot,72,orange Stof int,142000km,sehr schon. -Peugeot 404 bordeauxrot,Bj67,92000km orginal,kein Rost,sehr schon. -Peugeot 604 V6 Ti,105000km,Farbe champagne,in hervoragender Zustand,elektrischen Schaubedach,elektrischen Fensterheber usw. Weitere Information und Fotos stehen Ihnen zu verfugung. Freundliche grussen Wim van Boekel 0031651611226 |
Datum: | 07.12.2003 um 16:31:26 |
E-Mail: | wilfrid_hanita@yahoo.co.uk |
Name: | Wilfrid Hertog |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Hallo, Ich wohnnen zur Zeit in Burkina Faso und habe hier einen 504 commerciale L Diesel gekauft chassisnr. 2549688 aus welchem Jahr stammt dieses auto? XD 88 motor und hinten trommel vorne scheibenbremsen. Kann bis jetzt nicht herausfinden aus welchem das auto ist; Der verkaufer undi die carte grise sagen 1986 und das kann nicht sein. Wuerde mich sehr freuen auf eine ANtwort; scoene Gruesse aus Burkina wo noch viele 504 herumfahren aber wenig breaks oder fam./ commerciales, die sind in Benin und Nigeria. emaim adresse ist wilfrid_hanita@yahoo.co.uk tchuess |
Datum: | 04.12.2003 um 06:33:52 |
E-Mail: | sakol@aaacoth.com |
Name: | Mr.sakol w. |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | I wisit you |
Datum: | 14.10.2003 um 21:47:15 |
E-Mail: | 504peugeot@web.de |
Name: | Michael Semmler |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Hi! I'm selling one of my both Peugeot 505 V6 sedans. For further information see: http://www.mobile.de/SIDFtKT62Io5HY4Hvaq8eScrA-t-vaNexlCsAsK%F3P%F3R~BmSB10LsearchPublicJ1066163271A1LsearchPublicCCarW-t-vctpLtt~BmPA1A1B20A8f-t-vMkMoSm_xsO~BSRA6E19300C505C505A0A0/cgi-bin/da.pl?bereich=pkw&top=2&id=11111111127032018& Don't hestitate to contact me! Greetings Michael |
Datum: | 12.09.2003 um 23:20:13 |
E-Mail: | provencale@email.com |
Name: | Alabama USA |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | Concerning an OLDTIMER 1948 Peugeot 202 Hi, I am helping the owner of a great buy for serious car collectors. Incredible collector car 1948 Peugeot 202 for sale. Price is now US$ 10,000 only (seller may pay to deliver the vehicle) Very good condition, all parts are original, engine, sunroof, valid license... To see pictures or to get contact information go to: http://www.contactez.net/peugeot.html I do hope you can help us to find her a good home. I am not asking for a commission. Thank you for your consideration http://gift.contactez.net |
Datum: | 12.09.2003 um 11:59:15 |
E-Mail: | wrong@addres.com |
Name: | ilmar |
Inhalt der Mitteilung: | A superb site! Gave me additional motivation to mess around with my 1980 505 STI. My car didn't start in damp conditions and occasionally a headlight would go out. I checked the fuse box and you may guess what I found. The plastic plugs had melted, at places the circuits had separated from the printed board, etc. I cleaned the board and soldered the wires directly to it. But something went wrong. Namely, when I open the trunk or the glove compartment, the saloon lights will go on. The same happens when I try to use the cigaret lighter. When I turn on the saloon lights, the clock will stop. And the rear saloon light won't work at all. I checked the wires against the manual, everything seems alright. I have checked the wire codes about five times and I'm sure I soldered everything to right spots. Help! Can anyone think of a solution? All malfunctioning circuits go through the same fuse. But what went wrong? I know, you may suggest purchasing a new fuse board, but the local Pug reseller isn't particularily interested in messing around with old cars, as it can be seen from their price policy. Then there is another problem. The 3-shift automatic transmission is relucrant to shift up from 1-st position when cold started. It will do it, but not under 3900 rpm. And obviously I do not want to rev a cold engine. After about 2 kilometres it shifting and after 5 km everything is smooth. A gearbox stuck in the 1st gear can be a real nuisance in the morning rush hour. Advice? Other than the electrickery, rusty sunroof, broken odometer, weird gearbox, and rattling exhaust (I learned that it had been converted from a Volga exhaust - obviously because of a tenfold price difference) the car drives fine and looks nice:). Perhaps I'll post a picture someday. Meanwhile I'm keeping it on the road and preparing for 6 months of salt corrosion... ilmar, Estonia real email adress: yle[at]eys[dot]ee Avioding spam:) |