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Daily driver: Bruno Luis' 1979 504 TI being refilled. This should be a seldom sight, as Bruno's car is using only 8,5 l / 100 km - not that much for a TI with 104 bhp...
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His 504 features also front lights that turn on when the driver's door is opened, a Kenwood & Pioneer sound system with automatic rear antenna, electric rear sun visors and tinted windows
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This tasty modified 504 belongs to Bruno's friend Sandro Marques. Spoilers and vents give just a hint on what's under the bonnet...
... a 2,5 liter Turbo Diesel with Intercooler (!) taken from the 505. Top speed is 180 km/h, making this 504 a wolf in sheep's clothing...
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Which one to choose ? Original or modified?
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Easy. Take both...

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