note: 1) This website is not commercial.
2) None of my cars is for sale. 3) Site owner: Rainer Wilken,
Germany. If you have any comments, wishes or suggestions don't
hesitate to use the guestbook or send me an email.
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updated: June 6th 2007 - WHAT'S NEW?
thanks to: All who have contributed to this website - Ahmed,
Andi, Ari, Batara, Erdem Bascelik, Dave McBean, Benjamin Becerra,
François Beck, Wim Beerten, Lionel Bellaud, Bill, Stuart Bird,
Wim van Boekel, Buergude, Aitor Calviño Casal, David Chen,
Lorenzo Cusumano, Nelson Fabian Daquioag, Stephan
Dieckmann, Farid, Martin Eidens, Adam Fairfax, Antti Flyckt, Etienne
Goulant, Iwan Gunawan, Jörn Haarmann, Mikael Häggström,
Mauricio Herrera, Juanma Herrera, Edward Ho, Hugo, Steven Van
Impe, M. Indarto, Janitha, Joachim Kaiser, Eric Larmier, Brent
Lord, Tobias LeJeune, Martin Libera, Patricio Andres Muñoz Lopez,
Clemens Luber, Bruno Luis, Matt, Mauro, Steffen Moller, Dirk Müller,
Mike Murphy, Leonidas Nassopoylos, Nick, Bondan Adi Nugraha, Budi
Nurrachmad, Sani Obsidian, Erik Olijerhoek, Dominique Pagneux,
Steve Palocz, Daniel Parabrisas, William Pearce, Birger Pratsch,
Eduardo Quiroz, Michael Rieder, Frédéric Robert,
Jose Miguel Ruiz, Rabin Rutten-James, Sven Sagner, Michael Semmler,
Harshan Senadhira, Sergio, Eko Setiansyah, Heidi Sontag, Hadi
Taruna, Ron Teichner, Lars Thieme, Olaf Tietz, Pieter van Asten,
Wijanarko, C. & J. Wilken, Ben Wilson, Peter Wilson